Our Educators
As part of employment at the Pre-School, and in accordance with Department of Education and Communities, Child Protection (Offender Registration) Act 2000, Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012, Children’s Guardian Act 2019 & Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 and the Children (Care and Protection) Act, all educators are required to undergo a Working with Children Check. This ensures the safety of the children enrolled. In accordance with the Education and Care Services National Regulations, the Pre-School is required to employ a total of three staff to meet staff to child ratios. Please feel free to approach any staff member if you have any questions or concerns.

Narelle Jackson
Position: Director - Nominated Supervisor, Responsible Person and Early Childhood Teacher
Qualification: Teaching Diploma in Early Childhood Education
Teaching: Newcastle University
Experience in Child Care: Over 35 years experience
Employed: Full time (Office Time - Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays)
My Personal Philosophy.
It is one that embraces fun and the excitement of anticipating the unexpected. I love the element of surprise and will always endeavour to stimulate the children’s learning by providing experiences by “thinking outside the box”, that challenge, are thought provoking, providing opportunities for to hypothesise and test their theory by incorporating ‘Habits of the Mind’
I feel that children need to have their voices heard so they feel empowered and valued within any early childhood setting.
My style of teaching is to listen to the children and families and through the process of respect, reflection and inclusive practices, together we will embark on the path of being co-contributors of learning. Be it about ourselves and our potential, our families, our community and the many wonders of the world around us and all that these embrace.
To respect one another in open yet meaningful conversations, to be fair and encourage ownership of responsibilities by offering intentional and spontaneous pedagogical teaching moments to help a child go above and beyond their potential in all aspects of development.
To me it is and always will be ‘having a go’ and I will always be proud of even the smallest of steps.

Jackie Mulholland
Position: Educator; Responsible Person & Educational Leader
Qualification: Associate Diploma in Children’s Services - TAFE
Experience in Child Care: Over 25 years’ experience
Days Employed: Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (Job Share)
My Personal philosophy commences with the belief that early childhood is a time to learn about life. It’s a journey of adventure and discovery, a time for fun, laughter and a time for children to develop their own understandings of the world and their place in it.
My personal goal is to give children a sense of worth and belonging by helping them develop at their own individual pace and making them feel confident and secure enough to explore and grow.
My passion for children’s safety drives my vision to create a future where all young children are provided with education, protection and support to be safe from abuse and risk of harm.
I consider families a vital aspect of me achieving my goals as we build relationships based on honesty, trust and respect. Only when we fully achieve this partnership can we build a bridge between a child’s two worlds-home and our centre. I’m committed to community engagement which broaden children’s understanding of the world in which they live.

Krystal Scholl
Position: Educator & Responsible Person
Qualification: Certificate III in Child Services
Experience in Child Care: 5 years
Employed: Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays
My Personal Philosophy
My personal teaching philosophy incorporates the belief that children should be active participants in their learning through interest-based activities and play based learning. As an educator I am passionate about providing positive educational experiences in the early childhood years by developing valuable relationships with each child and their family.
I endeavour to nurture and guide children to discover their unique abilities by offering a safe, secure and exciting environment in which they can explore at their own pace and develop a sense of belonging.

Bronwyn White
Position: Educator, Educational Leader and Responsible Person
Qualification: Diploma in Child Studies - TAFE
Experience in Child Care: 16 years
Employed: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
My Personal Philosophy
My teaching philosophy embraces the being, belonging, becoming. I believe that when children and educators build positive trusting relationships and develop a feeling of comfort and belonging in their environment children gain the ability to build and maintain friendships and participate in their own learning.
I view children to be naturally capable and inquisitive with a natural drive to want to question, understand and interpret the world around them.
I believe the environment is the third teacher and endeavour to provide an environment that embraces children’s interests and engages children as active participants in their own learning by providing experiences that are developmentally appropriate, challenging and inviting.
I believe it is my role as an educator to support, guide and scaffold children’s learning through positive interactions and strong relationships with families embracing diversity and creating a positive beginning to the children’s learning journey.

Jessie Xu
Position: Educator
Qualification: Certificate III in Child Studies
Experience: 6 years
Employed: Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
My Personal Philosophy
My personal teaching philosophy is: - I believe every child is unique, as an educator I will value and guide each child, and strive to plan safe, positive, fun and ongoing learning experiences for them to explore. I consider working partnerships with family is a vital aspect of my program, I will involve families to contribute to their child’s learning through parent involvement and input.
Within my role, I aim to be forever passionate, patient, caring, fair, fun and educated. I will follow the policies, procedures and regulations to practice to the best of my knowledge and ability at all times, I will always ask and seek advice and aim to further my knowledge and skill

Deb Johnston
Position: Educator
Qualification: Diploma in Child Studies - TAFE
Experience in Child Care: 16 years
Employed: Fridays
My Personal Philosophy
As an educator of young children, I will assist in creating a quality learning environment for every child.
As an advocate for a holistic approach to the early learning environment, my belief of play based learning is that it provides each child with opportunities for exploring, investigating and socialising that will enhance their development and skills.
With positive interactions giving each child individual attention, support, warmth and respect builds their confidence and sense of self.
In partnership with colleagues, families and the community I believe an early childhood setting gives children the space to laugh, learn and express themselves.
Kelsey Heinz
Position: Educator
Qualification: Certificate III in Children's Services
Experience in Child Care: 10 years
Employed: Mondays and Wednesdays (as support educator)
Tuesdays and Thursdays - educator
My Personal Philosophy
I believe each and every child has the potential to bring something unique and special to the world. I will help children develop their potential by believing in them as capable individuals. I will assist children in discovering who they are so they can express their own opinions and nurture their own ideas. Children are what make life so fascinating!