Child Protection
Hamilton Community Pre-School has a responsibility to both the children placed in its care and the families of those children to ensure that we provide the best care possible so that they are protected from the chance of child abuse.
Under the relevant legislation including Child Protection (Offender Registration) Act 2000, Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012, Children’s Guardian Act 2019 & Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998, children services are required to ensure allegations of child abuse concerning children in their care are appropriately addressed. Under the Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) Act 1998, and the Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998 numerous procedures are in place to identify and exclude, if necessary, all inappropriate persons from having contact with the children in care or from being employed in child care services.
These procedures apply to Hamilton Community Pre-School and were developed to provide a framework for the protection of the child and to clarify procedures for staff that may be required to report on allegations and child abuse. This means that all Educators at Hamilton Community Preschool by law are Mandatory Reporters and will report any child that is at risk of significant harm.
Hamilton Community Pre-School implements the Child Safe Standards, that was recommended by the Royal Commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse. The Standards provide a tangible guidance for educators to create a child safe culture and adopt strategies in keeping the children safe from harm. We are recognised as a child safe organisation.
The Pre-School has also implemented a Child Safe Code of Conduct for educators, parents, visitors, students and children. A Code of Conduct outlines the minimum expected behaviours between workers, children and families in the Pre-School as part of our commitment to creating a child safe environment.
Pre-School's Child Safe Documents
Local Services
- Hunter Sexual Assault services - Ph: (02) 49 213888
- Newcastle Domestic Violence Resource Centre - Ph: (02) 49278529
- Victim Support Unit -Newcastle - Ph: (02) 49 262711
- Newcastle and Hunter Counselling & Psychological Service - Ph: (02) 49 621996
Family Resources
- Signs of Child Abuse - Signs of Abuse
- Child Sexual Abuse - Effects and indicators
- I am concerned about a child. - What you can do if you suspect a child is being abused.
- Sexual Behaviour in Children - Common and uncommon behaviour in children
- Responding to Disclosure - What to do when a child tells you they have been abused
- Keeping Children safe online - Children and the internet.
- A Parents Guide to talking to children about safety - Helping parents talk to their children about personal safety.
- Speak up - Understanding and responding to Child Abuse
- Yarning Up about Child Sexual Abuse - booklet written for aboriginal parents and carers to help prevent child abuse.
Children's Resources
- Morkys Safety Mission board game - Conversations about child safety can often be challenging and confronting and with Morky’s Safety Mission we hope to provide a unique way for parents or caregivers to keep talking about safety with young people.
- Safety School Feelings - Sing along and learn about different feelings. Video length 4.20min.
Books in our Library on Site
Please speak to one of our educators if you would like to borrow any of our Child Protection books
- Don't Talk to Strangers! - Author: - Christine Mehlhaff
- My Underpants Rule - Authors: - Kate And Rod Power
- Its my Body. A book about Private Parts - Author: - Louise Spilsbury
- ABC of Body Safety and Consent - Authors: - Jayneen Sanders
- Your Body and You - Author: - Anita Genari